Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago
"Buy Me A Margarita And I Won't Kill You"
Really. Why? Why would you say that with a fucking mic in front of your fucking face? MA PUSSAY, IS HANGIN' OUT. WHY?!!!!!!!! Oh Britney, two steps foward, one step back. Two steps foward, one step back.
Seriously, sure, I know how to make my hair NOT feel like plastic, but, still, the less harder my hair, the faster it falls apart. Why?! Oh why did those stupid tree huggers babble on about the Ozone, when I obviously needed Ozon, hairspray that is. Does anyone know if this is made anymore? Seriously, if not, I will pay someone to go and look for forgotten cans in warehouses and shit. Please! Please!Please!Please!Please!Please! I NEED OZON!