Sunday, September 7, 2008

90th Post

It's the 90th post! Ok, I'm a little overenthusiastic. I'm just too anxious for the my 100th post. Anyway, I've had too things on my mind. First, should I get this bag? I love it soooooooo much, but what would I use it for? Ok, so I do have my hand mirror, cellphone, iPod, comb, lotion, hand lotion, body splash, sunglasses, spare money, pens, hand sanitizer, and carmex. But keep in mind I'm a gay, it may look a little weird in the crappy agh-GHETTO town I live in. You know what, fuck them, I love it, I'm even gonna get the miniature one. Now, Secondly, for the goodness of pret-a-porter and haute couture, I have not been able to get Valentine's Day off my mind. Did you know, that in Japan, Valentine's Day is when a woman has to get chocolate for her lover, but then on March 14 is White Day, when men give the women white chocolate. And that in South Asia they have Black Day on April 14th for (obviously depressed) single people. Oh, and that in North Europe, they have this guy that, a-la-Santa Claus, leaves gifts & candy on the back-doorstep of people's houses for children, but for some reason, kids are actually afraid of coming in contact with him. I just don't what it is, but I just can't get the day off my mind. Plus, I've always wanted to meet someone born on Valentine's Day. Like, did you know Simon Pegg was born on Valentine's Day? I didn't. It's weird, it seems like as I get older, it becomes easier for things to get stuck in my head, and seem to stay stuck there longer. Well I'm off, I still need to find a way to get romance out of my head, maybe a few romantic comedies................

My Odd Obsession with Death, Hollywood, and my need to take over the world that I can't shake

Why do I like to wander cemetaries? Why do I love Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Gene Kelley, Princess Diana, Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Aubrey Hepburn, and, suprisingly, Paris Hilton? Why can't I shake the yearning to take over the world and have the world population wait on me hand and foot, fanning me with enormous palm leaves, and buying me anything I desire. I don't know. Some people call me crazy, psychotic, pyro-maniacal, bi-polar, or insane, but its just me. Over time I'm going to reveal the method to my madness, but for today, all I'm going to reveal is this; My one true goal in life, if the world domination thing doesn't work out, is to be famous for nothing, and be treated like royalty. All I Want to be is, quoting one of the people I just talked about, Loved By You. Every single person alive. I want to be a house hold name. Just you watch, one day I'll be smiling from the center of the stage at Grauman's Chinese.