Hello Upper California Coasters, I'd just like to say something, HANNAH MONTANA IS SATAN. No other person has more product endorcements than her. Today, while shopping at the always bulk-stocked Costco, I saw a Hannah Montana HAMPER. What. The Fuck? A Hamper?! Jesus Christ and a Cross! For Dior's sake! A hamper? Her face, was on a hamper! Then later at Walgreens, I saw a flashlight. And all of this is raking in millions from the stupid, idiotic, dumb-ass, suburban parents of bitchy little girls who scream and pout and yell if they don't get what they want. All because of THAT BITCH. You see, this is what Disney is now, a money-hungry corporation that churns out 'wholesome' tv shows and crappy and poorly written tv movies. Like High School Musical. Supposedly all these kids LOVE to sing, have never said a curse word in their lives, have never done anything illegal, are all virgins, and NOT gay. Yeah, and I'm not a big homo who wears pearls and CHANEL No.5 daily who's obsessed with Jim Sturgess & John Krasinski and is clinically allergic to Walmart. Disney is not what it used to be, and that is why, I stopped watching the Disney Channel two years ago. So please, please, if you still watch that horrible trash, STOP WATCHING IT. Anyway, I gotta go, I've recently discovered Gossip Girl-Chuck & Dan slash fanfiction (whodathunkit?). Toodles, I'm Out, Worship Me Bitches!
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago