Sunday, October 26, 2008

Speaking of Ramblings......

I just found out that my great, great, great, grandmother went through 5 husbands. Yes five, and according to family legend, she killed them all. I asked about my mom about it, and apparently she only knows of how one died and thinks she was innocent. The story goes that one of her husbands was a raging drunk and would go out drinking every night, coming home wasted in the wee hours of the morning, and would demand a late night dinner. One day she was cleaning out the cupboard (let me remind you this was probably the turn of the century) and found some spoiled beans. She threw them out, using the only food left for her own dinner. That night he came home, drunk as a skunk, dragged her out of bed, and demanded dinner. She tried to explain to him that there was no food left, but after some nasty domestic abuse, she held her head high, sat him down and told him she'd start dinner, and marched outside to go get the beans. She fried them, fed them to him, and the rest is history, he's now buried in The Catholic Cemetary. My family is a lot more screwed up than I though. Although it reminds me of something Mrs. White from the movie Clue once said, "I believe a husband should be like tissue, soft, strong.......and disposable". Did I mention how my grandma's feud with her mother-in-law?

Vote No On Prop 8

Yes, I'm getting political, sorry about that. When I started my blog I told myself I would never get political, but the other day I saw a lesbian couple, with one of them wearing a Vote No on Prop 8 shirt, and I realized that she was probably wearing as a sort of propoganda, so, I'm here as another type of propoganda. All I want to say, is that you should Vote No, because, gay people should be treated the same way as everyone else. We're people. We want good jobs, we have dreams, we want families, we can be narcicistic just like you............, and we fall in love too. I'm not talking me and Jim Sturgess love, that's just me being a crazed fan and him being straight, not mention not even knowing I exist. I'm talking together until death love. Not just that, but it's discrimination. Gay people are like the new black people. Up until the 60's, black people were discriminated against, but then people realized that they are just the same as us, they just look different, and if people didn't look different, then the world would be boring. It's the same thing now, gay people are just different, there's nothing wrong with that. And one more thing, think about it, if the government can take away the right to marriage, what else do they think they can get away with. Making music in cars illegal, telling you how to dress, what to watch, how to act, what you can and can't say? Many people think the of the U.S. as the greatest country ever, but look across the pond, gay people have been accepted as the norm in France since the 50's. The two largest cities in Germany, Berlin & Hamburg, both have Very, Very, Gay mayors. And Canada, Gay Marriage has been legal there since the 80's. Now, back to our regular gay, psychotic ramblings......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mr. Krasinski, Happy Birthday, To You.....

Hello My Darlings, It's Your Favorite Lunatic, and guess who's birthday it is. John Krasinski's! Yep, someone nearin' eternal damnnation, you know, turning thirty. Lucky for him, he's turning 29. Now, some of you may be thinking, "Um, what about a certain british actor-ey, your obsessed with-ey"(I'm sorry I just sounded canadian, which I am, so.....). Well, simply put, by the time I figured out John's and Jim's [Sturgess], JIm's had already passed (confusing isn't it, Jim is the name of John's character on the office). Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate the birthday boy. He's so damn cute, it's like he should be a model or something but he can't because he's not pretty, he's raw hotness, not all this make-up, hairspray, hairshine, and manicures, leaves that to we homos, kay. Anyway...John, if you're reading, Happy Birthday. Oh, and, yes, the title is a parody of when Marilyn Monroe sang on JFK's birthday, so John, don't try to become president anytime soon. Toodles!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Lookie, Lookie, I got Brit-Brit's new vid-ie. Yep, the music video for Womanizer. Aside from the half-naked hotness from the 'womanizer', I can't say the same for Brit-Brit who spends the first 30 seconds in the nude.....for absolutely no reason. Just, jiving around in a sauna. Really? I mean, maybe this might peak the interest in straight guys, but, it just doesn't reallly make sense, it has nothing to do with the song. But, what the hell, it's alot more sane than the stuff she's been doing for the last two years.

The Magic of Macy's

Well, all of you obviously know of my obsession with Macy's that just about dwarfs my obsession with Jim Sturgess. It's just, I don't know, there's just something about Macy's, the way, that, it's just so big and proud, and it has the right to be. The way, that, whenever I'm in a Macy's wherever I am, whenever I am, I just feel happy, like it's home. Well, enough mushy shit, this department store has 150th birthday to celebrate, and I'm going to help.

I'm Back Bitches!.........Again......Shut up, I know

Hello there Upper California Coasters, Gossip Guy here, and first of all, Yes! I realize that I take a lot of hiatuses, the thing is, my laptop got a virus, so, I couldn't anything for forever. Right now I'm blogging from a new computer, but my laptop might be back in working order in like a month. Anyway....Britney Spear's latest single, Womanizer has come out, and it is to die for! I LOVE it! Plus the video just came out, and, ummm.....the 'womanizer' from the video.....OH MY GOD HE'S HOT! Does anyone know his name, I soooooo need to Google him. The best part of the video is when all the 'Britneys' he tried to seduce in the video hold him down and tear his clothes off.
I hope to post more later, so good luck. I'm Out, XOXO, Worship Me Bitches!

My Odd Obsession with Death, Hollywood, and my need to take over the world that I can't shake

Why do I like to wander cemetaries? Why do I love Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Gene Kelley, Princess Diana, Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Aubrey Hepburn, and, suprisingly, Paris Hilton? Why can't I shake the yearning to take over the world and have the world population wait on me hand and foot, fanning me with enormous palm leaves, and buying me anything I desire. I don't know. Some people call me crazy, psychotic, pyro-maniacal, bi-polar, or insane, but its just me. Over time I'm going to reveal the method to my madness, but for today, all I'm going to reveal is this; My one true goal in life, if the world domination thing doesn't work out, is to be famous for nothing, and be treated like royalty. All I Want to be is, quoting one of the people I just talked about, Loved By You. Every single person alive. I want to be a house hold name. Just you watch, one day I'll be smiling from the center of the stage at Grauman's Chinese.