Sunday, March 7, 2010
I know right, I'm like the most UNRELIABLE person ever, but get over it, at least I ain't dead.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Where Did My Time Go?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Well, the world is truly, coming to an end. Two of the biggest icons in pop-culture history gone in one day. Farrah Fawcett, the first modern pin-up girl and 1970's sex symbol, and Michael Jackson, The King of Pop and Jesus of MTV, both dead, today, June 25th, 2009, Fawcett, 62; Jackson, 50. Many people never thought the end would come for these two, even with Fawcett's long battle with cancer and Jackson's ever deterioating body from countless (uneeded) plastic surgeries, stemming from a freak accident in the 1980's when his hair caught on fire. It's funny to think that Jackson was the same age as the label that started his life. This not only being his 50th year on this earth, but the 50th year of the Great Motown Label, the founder of which, now in his eighties, is still alive. Farrah, on the other hand was brought into this world of stardom on a simple, yet smart telivision program by the name of "Charlie's Angels", one of THE biggest tv shows of the 1970's, on the same levels as the 1990's "Seindfeld" and our generation's "CSI". Near the end of her life, she was seen as an inspiration, documenting her battle with cancer in hopes of teaching the public about what really happens in the life of a cancer patient. No matter what stumbles these stars had in their lives (I'm looking at you, Wacko-Jacko), they will always, always, be remembered.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
WHoa, John Mayer is bisexual. And apparently I'm the last to know. Oh, and, I"M BACK BITCHES. Wow, this is long title.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
John Mayers Pregnant?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Really. Why? Why would you say that with a fucking mic in front of your fucking face? MA PUSSAY, IS HANGIN' OUT. WHY?!!!!!!!! Oh Britney, two steps foward, one step back. Two steps foward, one step back.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Is my work already being done?

place to be kept for all of eternity past your death and become immortalized as not only a movie star, but a star, a shimmering, glittering star in the sky, because it was you. You were shinning at that moment, and they didn't want to forget that. Now. I'm not saying that this era is full of crap, we just need to find a balance, a balance between the MILLIONAIRES and Al Bowlly. A balance between Dior Haute Couture and Juicy Couture. To put it simpy, A Balance between the two worlds, A Balance Between CHANEL N°5 and Miss Dior Cherie. Hmm, if only I knew other people like me (no, not like that), people who see the past, and are interested, not arrogantly disapproving and bored. -sigh-, How do you feel about fur coming back In-Style?

Friday, March 6, 2009
I need soma dat shit......
Seriously, sure, I know how to make my hair NOT feel like plastic, but, still, the less harder my hair, the faster it falls apart. Why?! Oh why did those stupid tree huggers babble on about the Ozone, when I obviously needed Ozon, hairspray that is. Does anyone know if this is made anymore? Seriously, if not, I will pay someone to go and look for forgotten cans in warehouses and shit. Please! Please!Please!Please!Please!Please! I NEED OZON!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I found a bitch crazier than Me!
I found A bitch crazier than me! Ha!Ha!Ha! Who's mentally unstable now, huh? Whatcha goin do now bitch.....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Guess What Today Is Bitches

Well, I gotta go make the rounds for Mah Blogs. Goodbye for Now, BTW, listen to Opus 23 on the Marie Antoinette Soundtrack, I love it, it's sad, it's happy, it's moody, it's content. Just listen. TTYL, Stephan Etionne Monroe.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Blast from the Past

James Dean
Lucille Ball