Anyway, Justin and Drew were spotted at a phoneless, tv-less, mexican resort. Almost like my friend Becca's house, except it isn't a tropical paradise, it's a house owned by white people (her family, no offense becca) in the barrio. Doesn't Justin look cold? And Drew doesn't seem to notice. Is she looking at the camera? Ssssusssspiccccious. In other News, you might have heard the rumors of Brit-Brit being preggers, I have no idea if it's true, but what if she's just getting fat? Maybe the midnight Taco Bell runs have caught up with her, just think about it, eat, eat, eat, smoke, be crazy, is there any excercise in that schedule? No. Around the same time, Paris was spotted at the Four Seasons with a mag with Nicole on the cover. People have said she's feeling lonely and betrayed because Nicole barley talks to her anymore, theres a perfect explanation for that, Nicoles a mom now! Paris is a free spirit, Nicole's a breast-feeder. Nicole doesn't have time to be a brat, and Paris understands that, but she still is lonely, what else do you think the new show, "Paris' Next Top Friend" is for. Seriously though, I have no idea what the titles gonna be. By the way, JLo's kids are named Max and Emme, just Max and Emme. Personally, if I ahve kids one day, I'm gonna want them to be boy & girl twins too, that way I'll have two kids to spoil that look the same, but have different tastes, plus I'll be able to have a daughter-in-law, and a son-in-law that I can torture. Finally, let's talk about ME. I've recently perfected Kendra's laugh, and my piece of
$&#% computer can't f%&#ing load blogspot, that's why I've been gone for a while. Announcement: I will begin listing philosophies from my book "The Evil Fortune Cookie Vol.1", enjoy!