So Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer? Really, does anyone care except 40 year old teeny boppers from the 80's? He hasn't done very much work lately, he's 55, and Family Guy recently featured the realistic version of Dirty Dancing where he gets sent to jail for sleeping with a minor and gets prison raped. Maybe he got cancer there. Now, going back to
YOUNGER people, Jake Gyllenhal was spotted in New York without alleged girlfriend Reese Witherspoon. Honestly, I didn't add a picture because he has enough pictures alone on the internet. Leaning to an even younger crowd, Jamie Lynn has been revealed to have a guest appearance in an upcoming show debuting later this month, the controversy is, she screws two guys in one episode and her characters in High School. Didn't she learn anything? Because she got pregnant after her fake hot-pocket entering. Speaking of Pickachus, her Pikachu is gonna get all sloppy like Michael Jackson's face when she has that baby. Maybe they should approach this the Juno way.

Plus, she looks like a sleut with all that makeup, no, whore, she looks like a whore, I wonder if she ever gave her boyfriend a B.J. If she did, she's officialy never going to one of Chelsea Handler's friends. Who absolutely despises the act, H.J.'s however.................On the same subject, Chelsea also said on her show that she has a fantasy of Simon Cowell being on top of her and yelling, "The British are Coming!The British are Coming!". Please let that be the work of the writers. To add to sexual fest, an american idol has been revealed as a male stripper in a gay bar (don't ask for a name, I really don't give a rat's ass about the show). of course though, there's a controversy since some girl was said to be a webcam dancer. This reminds me of the Ugly Betty episode when Sophia's boyfriend is actually a stripper, Betty goes to see him, and asks, "You're Bi-sexual?!". And he says, "They buy, I'm sexual". Ya, interesting, that though brings us to the Kardashian sister's crushes recently unveiled on E!Online. Guess what though, K-Fed was one of them! My God! The world is spiraling into flames! And Khloe (Kardashian), K-Feds body doesn't hurt, but it doesn't feel good, or look good.