Hello three people who read this, it's me, the psycho son of a bitch who blogs for no one to see. Whatev. Anyway, Christian Siriano, winner of Project Runway, recently said that he would guest star on Ugly Betty with Heidi Klum. Is it just me, or am I the only one who's excited, because I recently have inducted "Fierce", and "Tranny" into my vocabulary. What about "Hot Mess" ? I have to say he stole that from Chelsea Handler. So it was already in there. By the way, Betty's ensemble is amazingly fierce, in a "mexican in Queens" way. Now, getting to the rest of the gossip, there was a recent designer swag party this friday that was going smoothly until the sponsor's banner along the red carpet pissed off red carpet Lindsay Lohan. Why? The two sponsors were
PARIS HILTON Handbags, and an unknown alchohol company. A double whammy? No, they removed the banner for LiLo, who left an hour later stilled pissed off, and then put back up, for
PARIS. Getting to trends, last year it was in to be pregnant, that went out and now twins are in, making Angelina Jolie one in girl, yes its not confirmed, but a close source says they're expecting twins, which will be born in France (Hopefully france, I can already see Angie having a Louis Vuitton and Armani son and Chanel and Gucci daughter, buying those clothes I mean). But France? I guess Angies giving up on Africa and going European. Well, lets move on, Britney's new music video dropped and, I'm kinda neutral, I mean it's great, but, manga? It was done in fucking Korea! At least Brit was on time for this shoot. What I don't get is

her blowing up either her clone, or alter-ego, or her former self, I can't make heads or tails of it.Then theres the guest spot on "How I met Your Mother", when I saw her quote on EXTRA, I said, "It's good to see Britney getting her life back and not getting drugged into a slight insanity by her arab". I don't think I'm racist, so S.T.F.U. This
could be Britney's comeback (DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO THE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE SHRINE IN HER CLOSET! THERES NOTHING THERE! SHE'S FINE!FINE!). She is not crazy! And that dinner with Mel Gibson was friendly, ok, they have the same friends. What am I saying? How could Britney and Mel have the same friends. Leaning away towards Halle Berry, she just welcomed her new duaghter recently, but

no one knows her name. Although It's odd though, all these celebrities are waiting to have children until their 40's and they'll be in their 60's by the time the oldest is in college. Let's hope all celebrities grow old gracefully. Finally, I am going to find out how to contact MTV and propose my idea to follow me and my friends in a show we'd call, "The Valley"(valley accent). It's going to follow us for at least a quarter of our lives and is going to be about, the
REAL valley. The San Joauquin Valley, unfortunately though, the biggest high end place we'd have to go to though would be Paraguay's the newest expensive restraunt here, either that or Jamba Juice, Starbucks, and the bench in front of Hollister at the mall, but my best friends don't shop there because they'd be mingling with the "regular crowd". Well, I'm off, Bi-otch!