Recently, I've gone through sort of an epiphany. I have had internet again for the past 5 days, I've just been busy with my epiphany-ing. I have realized that I was meant for another time, literally. For the past few days, all I've had on my mind (besides the Office, Jim Sturgess, John Krasinski, and shopping) is Parov Stelar, The Puppini Sisters^, Bioshock, flappers, and The Chordettes. All of which coming fromn the 1920's through 60's. Even now, when envisioning my red carpet wardrobe, I'm seeing enormous fur coats, flapper hats, long necklaces, silver and white tuxedos, 2 ft long cigaretter holders, and blowing smoke in Ryan Seacrest's face and walking away. The bioshock thing, all I can think of is living in an underwater 1950's metropolitan paradise, before the war that is. You know, I just want to reach out there and spread this decade's counter-culture of the Retro obsessed people. Because, well, back then, things were just, simpler.
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago