Yes, I got that title from Diary of A Mad Black Woman, which by the way, was a good movie, but, Tyler Perry, slow down, we're getting an overflow of Madea. Anyway, be thankful for this post, there is currently an internet fiasco in my not-so-fabulous-home, a big mix up of wireless non-existence, dial-up revertion, and clogged phone calls, and this post is coming from another computer. This is simply me, warning you that I might be gone for little while more, dear three readers. Now, you may be asking about Lollipop (if you're slow or have a bad memory, that's my nickname for Jimmy now, so get with the fucking program.JK. That came off a bit mean), well, since you know of my obsession with him, and some of you maybe, hopefully are getting obsessed too, this is just to tie you over for now. Now, I have to check my email, catch up on fan fiction, and other shit, Toodles!
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago