Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Bitch Looks Good With A Puppy

So the bitch found a puppy and took care of it for 20 minutes, whoop-dee-doo! Just because you find another bitch in the gutter and stay with it until the owner realizes they lost their dog, doesn't make you a damn saint! God, I hate Miley Cyrus soooo much. I used to watch her show, now when i just get a glimpse of the Disney Channel I get the urge to purge. Why? So I won't have to throw-up when I don't expect it, like 2 minutes in to Hannah Montana. I really don't know why I hate her I'm gonna admit, but sometimes I feel like turning her into the female JFK. Anyway, turning to the positive, Chelsea Handlers birthday was, 2 days ago. I'm sorry Chelsea! I Forgot! I just love her! Not, marriage love, but if I don't watch Chelsea Lately I feel like burning the Tahj Mahal down. I love her in Girls Behaving Badly too (Is that show even still on?). I saw her here where I live and I almost died from laughter. I met her the same night, and shes like "How old are you?" and I'm like "Thirteen, but that doesn't matter, you're so funny, I love you and I can't sleep until I watch your show". She wrote "Be Good" on my ticket. I tried Chelsea, I tried. She had this weird look on her face after she met me, like, "Wow, people this young are watching me, maybe I should cut back" but then five minutes later it disappeared. I agree! On the not cutting back. Now, back to the negative, Julia Roberts, what the
hell?! She was spotted in New York recently in a parka. A parka! Hasn't she ever seen the coat section at Neiman Marcus? What about Bloomingdales? For god sakes woman, this is not the Arctic! In other news,(I sound like Tom Brokaw!) Ashlee Simpson was at Marquee, singing L.O.V.E. and tracks from her new CD. I heard Little Miss Obsessive on Youtube, she's just going to fail. I swear, her musics stupider than I am in Pre-Algebra. Theres a lyric about thinking with your head, not that one, she is sooooo, talking about her toy Pete, who by the way was supposed to be one of my friend's husband, and/or sex slave and/or objects of her stalking. But I don't know now(She might have been shipped off to boarding school, not sure, her parents are CRAZY!)Isn't this a great picture of Chelsea?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Anyway, it's time to say goodbye, I'm getting bored typing, once again, dealing with the type doodle above, I loooooooooooooove Just Shoot Me! Don't know why, it was before I could remember or be interested in. Seriously, is this not a great picture of Chelsea? Wow, I'm verging on stalker, oh well, nows probably not the time to bring up I made a Kirigami cut-out of a body ina noose. Ooops! Calm down Chelsea, the only person I want to kill is somebody you don't know plus I don't want to waste time in prison, I really need to take over the world, communist Nazi style! Don't worry again, I'm neutral on Jews and Gay people, but Jewish people, I just find it odd you don't celebrate christmas. Whatev! I sure do babble.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Double Dating I See

Well my idol, Paris Hilton is officially a slut (J.K.J.K.!). But she is in cahoots with Joel Madden's twin brother Benji (Isn't that the name of a famous dog or something? It was before my time, I'm guessing). You know, he doesn't look like a Benji. Maybe a Puck, or Jack, maybe something modern-canadian, by the way, I have the right to say that, I'm one-fourth kanook. Anyway, It's also been heard on the gossip grapevine that X-Files is getting a movie, and that the premiere of the trailer had people screaming. I don't get it, I saw an episode of X-Files and it had less interesting material than a paper sack, empty.Plus the girl is probably kinda old now, wasn't this show started in the 90's? I wonder if they got together like everybody wanted(I get my knowledge of history from I Love the 70's, I Love the 80's, and I Love the 90's). Speaking of which, Who agrees with me that there should be an I Love the 00's, maybe by then I'll be famous and be a panelist. Oh, and one more thing, what happened with Whoopi Academy? You had a montage of past hosts and completely skipped over her, she nearly broke into tears on The View, which I don't watch, I saw the cip on the internet. Because frankly, its all bull$#%&. Well, whatever, oh, and yes, I have noticed, almost all of my posts have been at something, something, seven. Let's see if it happens again, by the way (I babble, I'm Sorry) complying with that note at the bottom, I hate pie, twinkies, sprinkles, and most cheeses, and I'm really fat, explain it to me please?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

What Country Gives the Oscar to Old Men?

Well, all is said and done, "No Country For Old Men" has won the oscar for best picture, and I couldn't be sadder. I mean, the man looks like Dora The Fu%#ing Explorer! I would have rather seen Juno or There Will Be Blood take home the oscar. Other than that, if The Bourne Ultimatum was a silent film, it wouldn't have won anything. Luckily, Diablo Cody took the Oscar for best screenplay, and Daniel Day-Louis took the Oscar for Best Male in a leading Role. So I'm okay. What I don't get is how thin Jessica Alba looked for the third trimester, she barely had a bump! Of course as my friend Gigi would say when she had to play a pregnant woman in a play, "It's my baby-humps, yes, yes, yes". When she does them its funny for a while, then it just looks ridiculous. And did anyone see SNL's version of Javier Bardem? It was hilarious, he was in a sketch that was a fake food Network show. Besides him though, there was a little intro thing before it that showed The food Network logo and the announcer saying;"Food Network, porn for fat people". I cracked up! Especially since in my younger years my family loved the channel and well, I'm border anorexic.J.K!(I Hope) Anyway I'll let ya go. Goodbye, and Goodshopping.

I'm Back (Poltergeist-y)

Hello drones! J.K. As you know I haven't posted in a while. Well, that's because I came down with a horrible cold right after my first posts, and well, had C.R.S. attack (C.R.S.=Can't Remember Shit). I completely forgot I had a blog. Then, today, I found a piece of paper with my Blogspot password on it. Holy Shit! So I ran to my computer, sat down, logged in, and now, am typing while listening to John Stewart and his openning monologue for The Oscars. Teen pregnancy? Very Funny, we get it, you too SNL, with saying the country for old men guy would play Dora the Explorer in the live action version. Well, my hearings getting patchy because I'm thinking, cross your fingers for Atonement, Juno, No Country For Old Men, and There Will Be Blood. 80 years!!!!!!!

Don't Forget Cloverfield!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oscar, who are giving yourself to?

With the Writer's Strike over, the 80th Annual Academy Awards are going on without a hitch on Wednsday, February 24th, 2008. Hopefully. Tell SOMEONE next time Adrian Brody. The star studded night of presenters is going to include stars like Miley Cyrus (stupid bitch).

Brit Gets a Mani while Daddy fights for her Money

Today, while Britney's Dad fought for control of her fortune, she cruised through the day with an all day Manicure, canceling her rehearsal at Millenium Dance. Meanwhile, Hillary Duff was spotted in the B-Hills in a long time, John Mayer was spotted going into a studio for recording. And Fergie and were seen walking together to another studio, hopefully to start on their new album. What Ev! And is that a Subway I see? Brit, go back to your innocent years, please, were tired of the "Hey Ya'll!" years.

Also, Jamie Lynn was spotted with here baby's daddy in Kentwood, Louisiana, wearing more billowy clothes to hide her baby bump. Goodluck Nickelodeon, with hiding it. Of course when it was covered on The Soup, they had a few ideas, like dark rooms, extra-large advertisements, and people mysteriously standing in front of her.

I'm Blogging and I have not much to say yet.

Shello, I'm Stephan (my real name isn't as great) and I have a major obsession with death, Hollywood Gossip, and anything from 1900-1969. I know, long time ago, big span. But its just me. Anyway, if you find this by accident, since you know, there are like millions of blogs. You won't be disappointed with my coverage of the latest gossip.

My Odd Obsession with Death, Hollywood, and my need to take over the world that I can't shake

Why do I like to wander cemetaries? Why do I love Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Gene Kelley, Princess Diana, Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Aubrey Hepburn, and, suprisingly, Paris Hilton? Why can't I shake the yearning to take over the world and have the world population wait on me hand and foot, fanning me with enormous palm leaves, and buying me anything I desire. I don't know. Some people call me crazy, psychotic, pyro-maniacal, bi-polar, or insane, but its just me. Over time I'm going to reveal the method to my madness, but for today, all I'm going to reveal is this; My one true goal in life, if the world domination thing doesn't work out, is to be famous for nothing, and be treated like royalty. All I Want to be is, quoting one of the people I just talked about, Loved By You. Every single person alive. I want to be a house hold name. Just you watch, one day I'll be smiling from the center of the stage at Grauman's Chinese.