Hello drones! J.K. As you know I haven't posted in a while. Well, that's because I came down with a horrible cold right after my first posts, and well, had C.R.S. attack (C.R.S.=Can't Remember Shit). I completely forgot I had a blog. Then, today, I found a piece of paper with my Blogspot password on it. Holy Shit! So I ran to my computer, sat down, logged in, and now, am typing while listening to John Stewart and his openning monologue for The Oscars. Teen pregnancy? Very Funny, we get it, you too SNL, with saying the country for old men guy would play Dora the Explorer in the live action version. Well, my hearings getting patchy because I'm thinking, cross your fingers for Atonement, Juno, No Country For Old Men, and There Will Be Blood. 80 years!!!!!!!
Don't Forget Cloverfield!
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago