Well, all is said and done, "No Country For Old Men" has won the oscar for best picture, and I couldn't be sadder. I mean, the man looks like Dora The Fu%#ing Explorer! I would have rather seen Juno or There Will Be Blood take home the oscar. Other than that, if The Bourne Ultimatum was a silent film, it wouldn't have won anything. Luckily, Diablo Cody took the Oscar for best screenplay, and Daniel Day-Louis took the Oscar for Best Male in a leading Role. So I'm okay. What I don't get is how thin Jessica Alba looked for the third trimester, she barely had a bump! Of course as my friend Gigi would say when she had to play a pregnant woman in a play, "It's my baby-humps, yes, yes, yes". When she does them its funny for a while, then it just looks ridiculous. And did anyone see SNL's version of Javier Bardem? It was hilarious, he was in a sketch that was a fake food Network show. Besides him though, there was a little intro thing before it that showed The food Network logo and the announcer saying;"Food Network, porn for fat people". I cracked up! Especially since in my younger years my family loved the channel and well, I'm border anorexic.J.K!(I Hope) Anyway I'll let ya go. Goodbye, and Goodshopping.