Hello Upper West Coasters! The Sex and the City movie which is coming out in only two weeks, is still getting pre-release hype, this time from the wardrobe department. The contract which states that the stars can keep their characters' couture has a loop hole with the fact that 99% of the wardrobe was samples. With only a Chanel bag leaving the empty room once labbled "wardrobe". By the way, the movie comes out
May 27th, so gosee it! In Other News, Amy
Winehouse was released on bail today after she went to a pre-schedueled interogattion at London's National Police. She was questioned and arrested for about three hours
before being bailed out around late noon. Witnesses say she was very peaceful, cooperated and answered all the questions, a feat for her. Of course though, this was all for her alleged "drug video" where she's seen smoking speed and snorting fine white powder, which I like to yell in crowds, it's a good way to get attention. Moving On! Brangelina were spotted in France house
shopping, while staying at a friend's house, or, I'm sorry, Villa. A source close to the couple and E! which is close to me via E!Online, says that their kids love it there, being close to the ocean, and surrounded by the countryside, while Brads excited to tour the country on his bike. All the while half their stuff is being shipped across the Atlantic, ready for when they find their temporary house and future summer house. Well, I'm writing a novel (Lunch at Macy's) and the creative flow is stopping like Niagra falls in 1974, when they damned it for 9 months. I'm Out, Worship Me Bitches!