Hello Upper West Coasters! Your favorite bitch, Gossip Guy is back, and it's time for me to sound off on Blake & Penn. One, YAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I knew they were together, it's just my psychic intuition. Thats right bitches, I'm psychic, so non-believers, wherever you are, F#$% YOU! And two, Hello, they've been friends since middle school. When you know someone that long, and they're the opposite sex (although not always, as someone I know would prove [it didn't materialize, don't get your romance hopes up]), there's bound to be sparks. Now, in personal news, I've started writing my letter to MTV, for, drum-roll, "The Valley". Now, if we are picked up, just remember, it's about young socialites going to an advanced school which happens to be inconveniently located in the a-ghetto. Seriously though, before the show starts, (and I know it probably won't), I've been thinking of starting the nouevou riche, Future Socialite's Club. We would also throw the annual Socialite's Ball at The Stockton Hotel tower ballroom, which is hopefully, still in working condition, no cameras have been inside it in 29 years. Moving On! As I type, I watch Dan, yes, Dan break up with Serena, and I hate, hate, the way things are SUPPOSED to happen. I'm just hoping that Chuck and Blair realize that there's more to their relationship, and they become the new golden couple, or not really golden couple, more like satan's couple, complete with horns and shared red trident. They just prove that love is everywhere, and that two of the most evil people on the Upper East Side can find each other. Here's to Chuck and Blair! Moving On! Jamie Lynn was sited in Missouri, huge tummy, giant boobs, stomach full of Mickey-D's, and brand new power saw in all. Oh, is that romance brewing between Serena and Nate? Why I do say there's a new pairing, and I also officially hate the guy hitting on B at the helipad, and is that fear of change in Chuck's eyes, oh my, he's gonna have sex with that slutt, well, let's call it even with Blair's retaliation flirting. You Know you love me, XOXO, Gossip Guy.
I'm Out, Worship Me Bitches!