Don't let the sultry picture fool you, Chris Leavins is the host of the internet famous "Cute with Chris" show, counting down the cutest puppies, kittens, and strangley grotesque yet cute new-born birds. Despite that, he also propelled Jonathan Togo into the hormone-addled minds of girls everywhere (and boys such as myself), creating the fanbase that is now large enough, that last year at the CSI: Miami season premiere party, an entire crowd of screaming teeny-boppers told him to take it off. Now, getting back to Chris, he is a fellow kanook (although he was actually born in Canada, unlike myself who is descended, from Canadianism) and, I'm not sure, but I think he's straight, judging by his line of work though (showcasing cute animals and the occasional guy) anyone could think otherwise. Frankly, if Jonathan Togo (who is now dead last on my hotness list) is ever brought up again, I'm simply going to sneak in the name, Jim Sturgess. And, when you think about it, Chris ain't so bad either, hell, the white suit from Cute With Chris Live was, actually kinda sexy. Well, I plan on waking up early tomorrow, or today, so nighty-night.
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago