Well, the "nGelina" of "Brangelina" has put up one of her leather coats up for auciton for charity. So, if you're a straight guy obsessed with her as much as I'm obsessed with Jim Sturgess, a woman who hates her and wants to prove you look better, an idolizing female who wants to be "Just Like Her" or a lesbian stalker, you better cough up at least, AT LEAST, three grand, and be anorexic, she's an extra-small. Personally, if I had the money, I'd buy it, let that money go to charity, then sell it before my 70th birthday to get some work done to look 25 again. Am I a planner or what? Snip! Snip! Hmph, reminds me of that song "Perfect Lie" by The Engine Room. It's the theme song to "Nip/Tuck" something straight men might wanna see as they're very loose with the television censorship. I just watch it and wait for the guys to show up, although I did like the episode with the Number #1 Marilyn Monroe impersonator, what can I say, my role-models are Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Jean Harlow, and Mae West. Ok, I better go before I keep babbling uncontrolably. Toodles!
Ooopss. Hehe.....
15 years ago