Hello Upper West Coasters. Gossip Guy here, and it looks like Miley Montana or Hannah Cyrus, or whatever the hell her name is might be in some trouble. Apparently, Disney (god for young children, satan for everyone else) stole the idea of a regular girl moonlighting as a pop diva. Speaking of Diva, am I the only one that thinks she looks like a cheap whore in this picture? The fake hair, caked makeup, very awkward pose with the mic. Anyway, the guy wants his monetary dues, but Disney denies everything, probably because Hannah Montana is the biggest cash cow since Britney, Justin, Christina, and Ryan pranced around singing on the Mickey Mouse Club. Wait, I just had a revalation. Look at them now, Britney Spears is going through an obvious mental breakdown, Justin Timberlake's latest album is about sex, plus, he's sporting nothing but a speedo in The Love Guru, Christina Aguilera just stopped being Dirrrrrty last year, and Ryan Gosling, well, when it comes to acting parts, its like he bi-polar. First he's a white supremacist, then a hopeless romantic, then blow-up doll enthusiast, and now a first time detective in his next movie. Look at these four people, they're all over the place! Who nows what's in store for Miley Montana. I can see it now, "............found dead, in her bathtub, Tuesday morning". MOVING ON!
In a recent interview, Steve Carell said that he found out The Rock is a good kisser and smells like Strawberry Shortcake, when their characters kissed in the up-coming, Get Smart. A remake of the classic tv show that my mom and grandma used to watch.I was gonna try and see it, but now, I HAVE TO! MOVING ON! Recently, on my local news, there was a preview of news at 11, and there's a story about footage of cops in the station playing Ring-Around-the-Rosie and Leap Frog when nobody was looking. I'll keep you posted. Well, I'm Out, Worship Me Bitches!